Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Tooth Extractions
Many common dental restoration procedures can renew the health of your child’s tooth, which helps ensure that that same adult tooth comes in properly. Without maintaining the spacing and placement of your child’s baby teeth, their adult teeth may not erupt with ease. If a restoration such as a root canal is not sufficient in repairing your child’s decayed or damaged tooth, only then will Dr. Ivan Makar consider recommending a pediatric tooth extraction in Stamford, Connecticut.
It can be intimidating to children to have a tooth pulled and in most cases, the parent’s emotional state and support can make all the difference. We encourage you to use comforting and affirming verbiage when explaining their dental procedure, which can help your child to feel less nervous. We invite you to also contact our office to learn more about the sedation options available to your child during their extraction. In addition, the after care of extractions are just as important as the extraction itself. So, our dentists at Makar Dental will provide you with the proper after-care instructions.
If you have questions about children’s tooth extractions or would like to arrange a consultation with us, please call 203-274-5643 today!